June 7, 2013

  • Give respect and you might get it

    Today when I got to work a lady was waiting at the cellphone booth to return a phone. She had no box. She had no charger. And no receipt. She was being helped by about 3 people from the booth.
    At the end of her wait she was told we couldn't return the phone bc of the fact she hadn't brought back everything plus not having a receipt.
    She came back in after all those people left and tried to return it again. It was about 6 hours later. She talked to a different set of managers. The was told the same thing.
    This upset her. She started to cuss and a lot of fowl language was thrown around which I won't repeat.
    We finally had to call the highest member of management in the store. He threatened to call the police because she was using such fowl language.
    She said we were not respecting her and we were not doing our jobs to help her.

    This woman was wearing a United States Army uniform the entire time she was carrying on in this disrespectful manner.

    I wanted to tell her that she needed to respect others and they would do the same. And I also wanted to tell her that just because you wear a uniform doesn't mean you get respect automatically. The rules apply to you as we'll as everyone else. We don't have royalty in America. Not even the president we are all equal in the eyes of God and man.

    Thanks for listening to my rant.

Comments (4)

  • I agree with you!  Just because some people wear a uniform, that they'll get special treatment. 

    During my retail days in the past, we had a lot of people try to return items with no receipt.  Worst of all, one of our managers told us a story how some lady tried to return some sunglasses for a refund, but the kicker - the store doesn't even sell sunglasses.  It's a grocery store.  Of course she got mad at the employees. 

  • Wow, she definitely thought her uniform should have gotten her instant respect. From her actions, it's like she embarrassed the uniform.

  • It's something some people don't get. People are much more apt to be helpful, even go the extra mile when I am respectful of them. 

    Reminds me of a girl I dated in college. She got a job waiting tables in a bar. On one of her first days a table of truckers she was serving began hitting on her, saying derogatory things and what not. She was a gorgeous girl. She told me she said to them, If you want respect you give respect. They immediately changed their tune. 

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